How To Lose Weight Fast For Teens

My teen years were the worst years of my life. I had terrible skin, was overweight and had extremely low self esteem. I hated myself and felt not worthy of anything.

Hopefully, you don’t feel that bad about yourself.

But, being overweight in such sensitive age can be very difficult. So, I hope this can help you to lose weight safely and keep it off.

Before we get into it, one more thing, never compare yourself to others. This is something we do a lot when we’re young because we’re not that sure of who we are yet. But, always remember, you are who you are. You can only improve that, you can’t change it. We are all unique in our own ways, learn to appreciate your own uniqueness.

Okay, let’s get into the steps you can take to start losing weight.

Learn The Difference Between Emotional Eating And Actual Hunger

Eating makes us feel good, so we often eat to make ourselves feel better instead of just eating for fuel.

Learn to recognize when you are really hungry and when you’re just eating to feel happy. You can also use water or tea to help with that. Simply do this – when you feel hungry, instead of eating, first drink a glass of water or a cup of tea and see if you are still hungry after it.

Also, when you’re bored or sad, find something else to do instead to eat. Something that’s more active than just watching Netflix and such, because you probably have a habit of snacking when you’re watching movies.

You can play some sport or find a hobby that requires you to use your hands, such as drawing or crafting things.

Sleep Enough
You need 8 hours of sleep for health, including healthy weight. People who don’t get enough sleep are 50% more likely to be obese.

Try to get 8 hours of sleep a night, if not possible, take naps during days as well.

Stay Hydrated
Your body is mostly made out of water so staying hydrated is extremely important.

And, yes, it’s important for weight loss as well.

If plain water is boring, you can always drink detox water.

And after you wake up and haven’t been drinking water all night long, drink a glass of water right away. Another thing you can do, is add some lemon in it because it will help with weight loss.

Eat Healthy And Smart
You should avoid simple carbs and eat a lot of protein and fruits and vegetables.

Also, watch when you eat. Don’t eat couple of hours before you go to bed. Always eat breakfast and lunch. You can snack as well, just make sure you’re snacking on healthy foods such as fruits and nuts. Avoiding fruits and vegetables that are high in carbs can help as well, and there’s still plenty of low carb that you can eat.

So, what you should eat are lean meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables. You can enjoy low carb desserts as well.

Be Active
Do anything you can to be active. You may think a few squats or climbing the stairs doesn’t do much, but that’s not true. Science has proven, people who fidget burn a lot more calories than those that are still.

Any kind of movement helps. And exercise is crucial for your health anyway.

Take walks, run, ride a bike, if you’re not an outdoor person, you can find any kind of exercise on YouTube for free and just follow along. You can dance, do yoga, strength training, Zumba, anything you may like..

Skip Fad Diets
Being on a certain diet may help you lose weight, but once you’re done with it, you will gain all that weight right back.

Instead of that, just try to live a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. That weight loss will last and it’s good for your long term health.

Also, keep in mind that we are all different and you don’t need to look like anybody else or be skinny. Be healthy and be yourself!

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